Monday, June 25, 2007

Piece of Cake

For years, there was that scar. And then there was not. Simple.

For years, I was afraid to let anyone see my skin. Dresses and beaches were out of the question. I wore pants and boots and a posture of hiding. For years, there was that scar.

And then there was not. I bought dresses. No matter what you told me, I never believed I was beautiful until I could buy dresses.

For years, there was that scar. But something wonderful happened.... My heart kept beating. I kept breathing and the world kept turning. And I thought, "Thank God, thank you, oh thank God, it's not there anymore."

And there was not. Simple.



OhItsJustAmy said...

Still waiting for my piece of cake. But I just purchased more slacks. I may be a while, yet. But I'm happy for you.

Anonymous said...

never a beach, and never a dress for me (just yet)