The sun finally came out, while I had my camera, but the effect has lost a bit of its creepiness. For me, anyway.

Maybe it will percolate into a story after all. But probably not.
Fiction, ghost stories, aliens... you know, the usual.
Award-winning Asterisk!*
*Not really.
Actually,"Shadow Poeple" are a frequent topic with Art Bell. Local artist Jay Marks also does some wire shadow people. There's lots of good fictional material to be mined. Check this:
Weird! I am glad you posted this as I was going to try to figure a way to work asking about it in another post :)
I love the image of your one shadow reaching for the other!
Kevin, that is way creepy. Now I'm going to have to track down a copy of Kairo.
Michael-Ann, I have nothing against thread hijacking. Do it myself pretty regular.
Now thats some cool pics!
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